UX/UI/Digital Designer
It all starts with a business goal or an idea. From there I wireframe the product, app, or website as needed to really nail down the flow and functionality. At this point we may even do some basic user-testing to see if what we’re envisioning makes sense to the user. Protoyping will usually happen during this stage as well.
To quote Anakin Skywalker…”This is where the fun begins”. Now we can bring beauty and elegance to all of the hard work we did in the UX phase. Design takes many many different forms…visual design is one of my favorites and where you see everything really take shape and come to life.
Digital and Graphic design encompasses the portion of my skillset that can be part of the UX/UI stuff…but offers different forms of expression. Whether it be PowerPoint/Keynote presentations I’m creating or one-off graphics like Deadpool…I can bring unique pieces to your project that will truly set it apart.
OF Completed Projects
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